Our Nation's Anthem

As each Athletic Director prepares for the start of the athletic season, there are certain checklists that you go through in making sure each aspect of the game is covered, prepared for, and ready for your student-athletes, coaches, and opponents to play the game.  Cross checking transportation, officials, event workers, and facilities.  One item that might seem mundane or overlooked is the game announcer and the script in which he/she might read.

When putting together our announcer's sheet to be read at the start of contests, one area that is prepared is for the address prior to the playing and/or singing of the National Anthem.
It states;
"Ladies & Gentlemen, we live in a great country with freedoms and liberties like no other.  At this time, if you would please stand, remove your caps, and join in the playing and singing of our National Anthem."

This week has certainly brought attention on the National Anthem being played at sporting events and how both athletes and spectators address the 2 1/2 minutes prior to the contests in which it's played.

Reflecting on the message read leading into the anthem, I couldn't help but ponder the words in which the announcer reads.

"we live in a great country with freedoms...."
In this great country we certainly enjoy freedoms!  Freedoms of religion, education, and in the instance of this professional football player - expression.  Yet personally, I believe that those freedoms, including the freedom of expression were made possible because of sacrifices made by folks who so greatly valued this country and all of these very freedoms afforded, that WE can play a game!  Freedom!  We are free to express and free to play a game because of the thousands of men and women who served and continue to serve to protect those very freedoms!

"liberties like no other..."
One definition of liberty is - the state or condition of people who are able to act and speak freely. There are challenges that face our country!  There are issues that we as people, policy, and politics need to address, but it is only in a country that have been afforded these liberties can the people, the policy, and the politicians impact those changes!

I came across a video of the Virginia Tech Men's Basketball Coach, Buzz Williams addressing his team prior to a Veteran's Day Recognition game.  I thought it was a great message to his players and understanding of what the National Anthem means to student-athletes playing a game.

Virginia Tech Veterans Day Recognition

I'm certainly not condoning the NFL player's decision on how he's using his platform for change, nor am I stating Coach Williams philosophy for his players is absolute either, but I am saying that I absolutely appreciate the freedoms and liberties we are afforded so that we can play a game.



  1. The National Anthem and standing for it is a show of respect to those who have protected our nation, our freedom, and our liberty. A show of respect for the 651,031 Americans who gave their lives in battle to protect our nation, our freedoms, and our liberties. The additional 539,054 that gave their lives in service to protect our nation, protect our freedom and liberty. The 1,430,290 who have been wounded protecting our nation, our freedom and liberty. The 23,234,000 living veterans who have served to protect our nation, our freedom and liberty. Plus all of those who protect us at home and behind the scenes...the police, firemen, FBI, CIA, Secret Service.... Show respect.

  2. I shared a video that is about why the lyrics were written. Well worth the listen. Will give you chills the next time you hear the National Anthem.


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